Character 5

Trapped in a Sea of Sins.."

Former Mage
Former Heir of the Sarsk family
[Death has taken his title]
Former Mentor to Vaughn - The Librarian
[Nothing but a memory now..]

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Leon was the first child of the seventeenth generation of Sarsk. 

He was the golden heir of this generation being the first born above his siblings and cousins. Therefore, he inherited Sarsk's manor and Codex. 

Leon was an peculiar boy. He manipulated and changed the course of Sarsk magick single handedly. He was a genius. He had  invented his own magic. What that entailed, well.. you just had to find out. 


He'd inadvertently caused the Wichendor Trials. This later led to his undoing.
He'd found the last remnant of the bloodline as she'd came into her powers, but already she had been stronger than he and escaped. That night he'd found a broken boy, nearly dead in the corner of the girl's room.. This was Vaughn. Leon took the boy under his wing after saving his life and togther the two worked to vanguish the evil while Leon taught Vaughn to essentially by fault fall into his steps and even become his heir when the man never had children of his own. Leon had passed and Vaughn overtook the Sarsk manor and Codex.
The last Wichendor came and haunted both men for years before she found her opportunity to take down Leon. Hell itself had opened beneath him and the chains came up and wound themselves all around him and pulled him down, her smile the last he saw of the world he'd once knew.. 

a0d697623d119793b018735d0eb59b03.jpgThe fire burned his soul away.. He wouldn't know the Witch had captured a part of his essence and kept it, so he was sure all of him had been perished in all the time he spent in his cage.. many years went by..Time in Hell was nothing like time on the Middle ground.. Then... Something bonded to him.. Something claimed him for it's own and became him while he'd became it.. It was only after this process had ended, that he found freedom.. The chains fell.. the door opened.. and a light led him to the undergrounds of a abandoned train station.. He walked the dark, following some instinct until he found the steps that took him back above on the Middle grounds.. 
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  - Leon has just been reborn. However, he's a demon now and not much of his former self remains.. just a darkness. Upon retrieving what part of his soul the Witch has captured, only then will he regain his humanity back.

  • He retains none of his magic and only works through what he can achieve as a demon.

  • He appears as his youthful self once more, his chosen face because when you can look young again, why not? 

  • He has become what he had always hunted, but his goals are not for bad intentions, rather to obtain his humanity back, even if that's through nefarious or mischievous ways. 


- Before and after his humanity was returned, Leon was something of a man with an eccentric personality. Some have deemed him "off his rocker", more notoriously Vaughn since the younger man has known him most his life and therefore knows how volatile and odd the man can become. 
  • With his humanity back, he operates more alive once more to his former self, sticking to his appearance before his "death", but because he's not fully cured of the demon he'll fall between his older or younger visage depending his range of control at that moment.

  • His powers back, he's once more considered dangerous, more so than as a demon, but despite his rather loose and somewhat insane approaches, he's really not much the bad guy despite some internal struggles of darkness..

sadi || Quotations / text || what I create is chaos || Schwarzi ~ gjr  #chaos #create #quotations #schwarzi
Born 1874




No children

. . .

Hair: At current- Naturally dark and long

Eyes: Green

Skin: Somewhat sun kissed

Height: 6'4

 Body Build: Lean and muscular